
50 hours Arm Balancing Training

  • teacher_img
    Yoga Alliance® US
  • Intermediate and advanced
  • 10 days

Yoga Styles: Arm Balancing

Why Arm Balancing?

While arm balances look impressive, they offer much more than just Instagram-worthy poses. These postures challenge both body and mind on multiple levels.

Developing Full Body Strength

In this Arm balancing course you will learn to control your physical body, making it stronger and more flexible. This physical control also contributes to a calmer and more flexible mind.

Building Courage and Confidence

Balancing your body weight on your hands takes courage. Regular practice builds confidence and deepens your connection with your body's innate wisdom.

Enhancing Focus and Concentration

Successfully moving into and holding an arm balance asana demands focus and concentration. A distracted mind will hinder your ability to balance. As with all Yoga practice, presence is essential.

Join Our Arm Balancing Training

Our 50 hour arm balancing training is designed for intermediate to advanced Yoga practitioners seeking a new challenge for both body and mind.

We genuinely value direct bookings with us as they help us provide you with the best possible experience.

Program Highlights


Balancing on your hands can be inspiring and intimidating at the same time. This is why we will go step by step preparing your body for the more advanced postures. After attending our 50 hours arm balancing training in Bali we want you to feel confident to practice and teach arm balancing asanas in your Yoga classes.

In our theory sessions we will revise Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga – the eight limbs of Yoga again, as they build the foundation of living a yogic life. Even though asana practice is important to keep our bodies strong and flexible, ultimately, it is intended to prepare our bodies to sit comfortably for long hours during mediation.

Sanskrit is the language of Yoga and all posture names have their origin in the world’s oldest language. In this Teacher training you will learn the Sanskrit breakdown of the arm balance asana names.

You will learn how to engage the bandhas to lift up and retain the prana inside your body to get stability of body and mind when practicing the arm balancing postures. Mudras help to control the prana, increase the flexibility and strength of our hands and balance the five elements. And in the end arm balancing is all about balancing body and mind.

In our anatomy classes, we will place a special focus on understanding the intricate mechanics of the hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders. These areas are crucial for achieving stability and strength in arm balancing postures.

We will also discuss the anatomical patterns and mechanics that underpin effective arm balancing, including muscle engagement, joint stability and overall mechanics of how the body moves and stabilizes in various arm balances, understanding the kinetic chain and how force is transferred through the body.

How to Teach Arm Balancing Asanas: The foundational techniques for teaching arm balancing poses, including the key principles of alignment, balance and strength.

How to Use Bone-on-Bone Alignment: The concept of bone-on-bone alignment and its importance in arm balancing, learning how to stack the bones in a way that maximizes support and minimizes muscle strain.

How to Include Arm Balancing Postures into Your Classes: Strategies for incorporating arm balancing postures into yoga classes, learning how to introduce these poses progressively and tips on integrating arm balances into different class themes and styles. 

How to Sequence Arm Balance Poses in a Safe and Efficient Way: Techniques for sequencing arm balancing postures safely and efficiently, involving understanding of the preparatory poses, counterposes and transitions.

How to Verbally and Physically Align Your Students: Effective methods for aligning students verbally and physically during arm balancing classes, learning precise cueing techniques to guide students into correct alignment and adjustments to help them find stability and balance. 

How to Build Up the Needed Arm Strength: Exercises and techniques to develop the arm strength necessary for arm balancing and learning how to incorporate these exercises into the regular practice.

Focus areas

How to warm up the body: The importance of a thorough warm-up to prepare for arm balances.

How to Perform the Sequence: Step-by-step instructions on executing an arm balancing sequence, including transitions between poses.

How to Develop the Arm Balancing Flow: Techniques to create a seamless arm balancing flow, including linking poses together smoothly, maintaining continuous breath, and developing a rhythm. 

How to Protect Your Joints: Strategies to safeguard joints during practice and awareness of proper alignment to prevent injury, especially in the wrists, elbows and shoulders. 

How to Use Props to Support You: The effective use of props such as blocks, straps, and bolsters to achieve safe alignment, support weaker areas, and gradually build strength and flexibility.

How to Move Toward Relaxation: Techniques to transition from intense practice to relaxation, including cooling down the body with gentle stretches, using restorative poses to release tension, and practicing mindfulness to calm the mind.

Arm Balancing Warm-up Asanas

Hands: Wrist and hand stretches and strengthening exercises to prepare for arm balances.  These exercises will help students develop the necessary hand strength and flexibility to support their body weight.

Shoulders: Shoulder mobility and strength exercises essential for arm balances. You will practice shoulder circles, dynamic stretches like arm swings, and shoulder openers such as Gomukhasana. Additionally, we will focus on building shoulder stability, crucial for maintaining balance in arm balances.

Spine: Techniques to enhance spinal flexibility and strength. Warm-up exercises will include Cat-Cow stretches to increase spinal mobility, twists, and backbends such as Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose). These practices will help students maintain a strong and flexible spine, which is vital for arm balances.

Core: Core strengthening exercises that are essential for stability in arm balances. Students will engage in plank variations, Navasana (Boat Pose), and other strengthening postures for the abdominals and the lower back. 

Legs: Techniques to build strong and flexible legs as a solid foundation for arm balances. Warm-up exercises will include lunges, yogic squats, hamstring stretches like Uttanasana, and hip openers like Anjaneyasana. 

Full Body: Integration of full-body movements to connect all the components required for arm balances. Students will practice Sun Salutations to warm up the entire body, combining strength, flexibility, and coordination. Poses like Downward Dog and Chaturanga will engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, preparing the whole body for advanced arm balances.

Progressive Strength Training: Various types of Indian push-ups, such as Hindu push-ups and dive bomber push-ups, to progressively train strength and posture. 

Arm Balancing Yoga Poses included in this training: 

~ Bakasana – Crane pose
~ Parsva Bakasana – Twisted Crane Posture
~ Eka Pada Bakasana – One Legged Crane pose
~ Kakasana- Crow pose
~ Bhujapidasana- Shoulder pressing pose
~ Bramcharyasana- Celibate’s pose
~ Chaturanga Dandasana- Four Limbed Staff Pose
~ Dwi Hasta Bhujasana- two hands and arms pose
~ Dwi Pad Koundinyasana – Twised crow pose with straight legs
~ Eka Pada Koundinyasana 1 – Twisted one legged arm balance
~ Ek Pada Kondinyasana 2- Flying Splits
~ Kukkutasana – Cockerel/Rooster Pose
~ Kumbhakasana – Dolphin plank posture
~ Lolasana- Pendant posture
~ Mayurasana – Peacock Posture
~ Padma Mayurasana- Lotus peacock posture
~ Pincha Mayurasana- Feathered peacock pose- Forearm balance
~ Santolasana- high plank postures
~ Tittibhasana – Firefly Posture
~ Urdhva Kukkutasana – upward rooster posture
~ Utpluthih – Uprooting
~ Adho Mukha Vrikshasana – Handstand pose
~ Astavakrasana – Eight angle posture

Written by the sage Patanjali around 200 CE, these texts compile and organize ancient yogic knowledge. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are a foundational text in the practice of yoga, offering profound insights into the philosophy and practice of Yoga. By studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, students will deepen their understanding of yoga as a holistic practice that goes beyond physical postures, enriching their journey both on and off the mat. They provide practical applications in the context of arm balancing. For example, how the principles of Asana, Pranayama, and Dharana can enhance focus, breath control, and stability in arm balances. Additionally, the ethical guidelines (Yamas and Niyamas) can inspire a mindful and disciplined approach to practice.

Eligibility Criteria


Before joining Anandam Yoga School’s 50 hours Arm Balancing Training in Indonesia Course, you have to fulfill this eligibility criteria.

  • You should be able to hold plank pose for 1 minute, downward facing dog for 2 minutes and should feel comfortable doing Chaturanga Dandasana.
  • You should be able to speak, read and write basic English as this course in conducted in English.
  • If you are pregnant we kindly ask you to refrain from joining this course for your and your baby's safety.
  • You must be physically & mentally healthy and fit. Please be aware that arm balancing is a physically demanding practice.
  • You have to provide a medical certificate if you are going through any treatment or have any injuries. This course is NOT for students with acute injuries to the wrists, elbows or shoulders.
  • If you skip classes or behave unethically during the course, you will not be allowed to continue course and the course fee will not be refunded.

Time Schedule


The time schedule is not fixed and can change according to location, teacher availability, weather conditions and general situation.

  • 06:30 – 06:45 am Shatkarma
  • 06:45 – 09:15 am Asana practice & Pranayama
  • 09:15 – 10:15 am Breakfast
  • 10:15 – 11:45 am Anatomy & Physiology
  • 11:45 – 01:30 pm Asana Alignment
  • 01:30 – 03:15 pm lunch
  • 03:15 – 04:45 pm Yoga theory
  • 05:00 – 06:30 pm Arm Balancing class
  • 06:30 – 07:00 pm Mantra chanting

Location & Accommodation

Venue: Indonesia

  • 10 nights including breakfast in a mixed dormitory bedroom. Every bed has a personal mosquito net, reading lamp, safety box, wardrobe shelf, Wi-Fi access and shared bathroom.

  • 10 nights including breakfast in a private single room with fan. Comfortable single spring bed, mosquito net, fan, reading lamp, safety box, wardrobe shelf, shared terrace, shared refrigerator, Wi-Fi access and shared bathroom.

  • 10 nights including breakfast in a private double room with fan. Comfortable double spring bed, mosquito net, reading lamp, safety box, wardrobe shelf, terrace, fan, Wi-Fi access and private bathroom.

  • 10 nights including breakfast in a private double room with AC. Comfortable double spring bed, mosquito net, reading lamp, safety box, wardrobe shelf, terrace, fan, AC, Wi-Fi access and private bathroom.

  • 10 nights including breakfast in a big private double room with AC. Comfortable double spring bed, mosquito net, reading lamp, safety box, wardrobe shelf, terrace, fan, AC, Wi-Fi access and private bathroom.

  • 10 nights including breakfast in a private double room with AC 500m away from the course venue. Comfortable double spring bed, mosquito net, safety box, wardrobe shelf, fan, AC, Wi-Fi access and private bathroom.

Upcoming Dates

Upcoming 50 hours Arm Balancing Training in Indonesia course dates.

17.10.2024 - 26.10.2024
Tuition Fee $ 1500 $ 1000