
300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training

  • teacher_img
    Yoga Alliance® US
  • Intermediate and advanced
  • 25 days

Yoga Styles: Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Arm Balancing

This 300 h Yoga teacher training in Canada is designed for practitioners and Yoga teachers who seek to deepen their understanding of yoga, enhance their teaching skills and intensify their own practice. 

Throughout this comprehensive program, we focus on two core elements: Arm balancing asanas and the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series. We will refine arm balancing techniques and build the necessary strength and stability to master these empowering postures. The Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series forms the backbone of our practice, to offer a dynamic and repetitive flow that  fosters a meditative state and cultivates resilience.

Program Highlights


This 300-hour yoga training program in Canada is an advanced level yoga teacher training that builds upon the foundational knowledge and skills acquired in the 200-hour training. It offers deeper exploration and specialization in the following aspects of yoga practice, philosophy and teaching methodology.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, often referred to simply as Ashtanga Yoga, is a dynamic and rigorous style of yoga. The Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series is a structured progression of postures that systematically purifies the body, cultivates strength and flexibility, and awakens the practitioner's inner fire, or "agni." 

We include

~ Ashtanga Vinyasa Opening and Closing Mantras
~ Analysis of the Sanskrit Names of Asanas
~ Significance of Ujjayi Breath in Ashtanga Vinyasa Practice
~ Understanding Drishti's Role in Asanas
~ Step-by-Step Guide to Vinyasa Flow, Including Jumping Back and Forward
~ Technique for Performing Chakrasana (Rollback)
~ Transitioning from Hasta Uttanasana to Urdhva Dhanurasana and Returning to Hasta Uttanasana

Arm balancing postures provide a joyful way to explore our physical capabilities while improving our concentration. In our 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Canada, we will explore different arm balancing postures, offering comprehensive instruction and practice. Throughout this training, you will gain expertise in:

~ Practicing and instructing arm balancing asanas
~ Utilizing bone-on-bone alignment for optimal posture
~ Integrating arm balancing postures seamlessly into your classes
~ Safely and effectively sequencing these postures
~Verbally and physically guiding your students into alignment
~ Developing the necessary arm strength through targeted exercises

Yoga Nidra is a transformative practice of deep relaxation and conscious sleep that facilitates profound healing and self-awareness. You will learn how to write Yoga Nidra scripts and how to use it in your Yoga classes. We are going to discuss the theory behind it, its benefits and how to incorporate it into your life and the life of others to establish healthy habits.

Chakra meditation is a practice that involves focusing on the energy centers within the body known as chakras. Each chakra is associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of human existence. Chakra meditation involves various techniques such as visualization of colors associated with each chakra, chanting of specific mantras corresponding to each chakra, or focusing on the sensations and emotions associated with them. By bringing awareness to the chakras and working with their energies, practitioners aim to remove blockages, release stagnant energy, and harmonize the flow of prana (life force) throughout the body.

In this 300 h course you will learn more about the seven main chakras and different techniques of Chakra meditation.

We will introduce Sujok therapy, a unique healing modality that combines elements of acupuncture, acupressure, and reflexology. You will learn how to utilize the body's inherent healing mechanisms through precise stimulation of specific points, promoting holistic well-being and vitality.

Patanjali compiled and structured Yoga knowledge, condensing it into the "Yoga Sutras." Emphasizing a hands-on approach, this method focuses on personal exploration and experimentation with diverse practices. In our course, we  expand our exploration of the sutras beyond the traditional eight limbs of Yoga.

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gheranda Samhita are two important ancient texts that provide comprehensive insights into the practice and philosophy of Hatha Yoga. We will explore the different chapters and included yogic practices hold significant importance in the tradition of Hatha Yoga.

Both the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gheranda Samhita discuss pranayama (breath expansion) as an essential component of Hatha Yoga practice. Each scripture dedicates an entire chapter to pranayama and in this training, you will learn these traditional techniques.

~ Suryabhedana
~ Sahit
~ Ujjayi
~ Sheetkari
~ Shitali
~ Bhastrika
~ Bhramari
~ Murcha
~ Plavini
~ Kevali

Daily meditation improves our focus and concentration, reduces stress, regulates our emotions, increases our self-awareness and allows spiritual growth. These are only a few reasons why we incorporate a daily meditation practice in this 300 hour Yoga training in Canada.

We will focus on Ashtanga Vinyasa and Arm Balancing specific anatomy like arm and shoulder anatomy and anatomical patterns in arm balances, as well as the effects of Yoga on the nervous system, other body systems and how different posture groups affect our body and how the knowledge of the underlying anatomy can help us to utilize this in our practice and classes.

Mudras are considered as essential components for the regulation of prana (vital life force) and the facilitation of energy flow within the body. In the Hatha Yoga scriptures mudras are described as techniques for redirecting energy, achieving mastery over the mind, and awakening higher states of consciousness. Here are some of the mudras we you will learn in this course:

~ Asthma Mudra
~ Pankaj Mudra
~ Kubera Mudra
~ Shankh Mudra
~ Garuda Mudra
~ Jal Shaamak Mudra
~ Yoni Mudra
~ Linga Mudra

A mantra is a sacred sound, word, or phrase that is repeated silently or aloud during meditation  or spiritual practices. Mantras can be simple syllables, single words, or longer phrases, often drawn from ancient scriptures or teachings. Mantras serve as powerful tools for focusing the mind, connecting with the divine, and deepening the spiritual practice. The following mantras are included in this course

~ Ganesha Mantra
~ Shivaya Mantra
~ Rama Mantra
~ Shanti Mantra
~ Gayatri Mantra
~ Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
~ Patanjali Mantra
~ Ganesha Vakratunda Mantra
~ Guru Mantra
~ Maha Mantra
~ Om Asatoma Sadgamaya Mantra
~ Ashtanga Vinyasa Opening Mantra
~ Ashtanga Vinyasa Closing Mantra

Shatkarmas are integral components of Hatha Yoga practice and play an important role in purifying the body and balancing the energies. Together we are going to practice jala neti, sutra neti, nauli, kapalbhati, trataka.

Eligibility Criteria


Before joining Anandam Yoga School’s 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Canada Course, you have to fulfill this eligibility criteria.

  • A completed 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training with a Yoga Alliance registered Yoga School (RYS) is mandatory to join this 300 hours online Yoga Teacher Training.
  • The minimum age to join this course is 18 and the maximum age is 65 years. If you are older than 65 please provide a medical certificate. Your safety is important for us!
  • You should be able to speak, read and write basic English as this course in conducted in English.
  • You have to be open minded and interested to learn ancient teachings and the traditional way of Yoga.
  • You have to provide a medical certificate if you are going through any treatment or have any injuries.
  • If you skip classes, abuse drugs or behave unethically during the course, you will not be allowed to continue and the course fee will not be refunded.
  • We sincerely ask you to listen to your body and limits to make this teacher training a great experience for you.

Time Schedule


The time schedule is not fixed and can change according to location, teacher availability, weather conditions and general situation.

  • 06:30 - 06:45 am Shatkarma
  • 06:45 - 07:45 am Pranayama/Meditation
  • 07:45 - 09:15 am Ashtanga Vinyasa Practice
  • 09:15 - 10:15 am Breakfast
  • 10:15 - 11:45 am Anatomy & Physiology
  • 12:00 - 01:30 pm Asana lab
  • 01:30 - 03:15 pm Lunch
  • 03:15 - 04:30 pm Yoga philosophy
  • 05:00 - 06:30 pm Arm Balancing practice
  • 06:30 - 06:45 pm Mantra Chanting
  • 07:00 - 08:00 pm Dinner

Location & Accommodation

Venue: Canada

Upcoming Dates

Upcoming 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Canada course dates.