300 hours Yoga Teacher Training

300 hours Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Styles: Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Arm Balancing

This 300 h Yoga teacher training in Portugal is the right course for you, if you are a Yoga Teacher and would like to advance your own Yoga practice, to grow on your spiritual path and to teach advanced Yoga.


    Certification : 

    Yoga Alliance® US

    Skill Level : 

    Intermediate & Advanced

    Duration :  21 Days

    Duration : 

    25 Days

    Certification : 

    Yoga Alliance® US

    Skill Level : 

    Intermediate, Advanced

    Duration :  25 Days

    We are bringing Sukshma Vyayama, Arm Balancing, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Ancient Yoga Philosophy, Hatha Yoga Scriptures, Mudras, Pranayama, Mediation, Ayurveda, Chakras and much more from India to you in Portugal.

    After completing this internationally accredited 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Portugal we want you to feel like you have grown on your journey as teacher and as well a student.

    Program Highlights

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    This program builds upon the foundations of the 200-hour training, offering advanced techniques in asana, sequencing, and alignment, alongside deeper dives into yoga philosophy, anatomy, and meditation.

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras are thread of Yoga knowledge. In total there are 196 sutras divided into four chapters: The Samadhi pada, Sadhana pada, Vibhuti pada, Kaivalya pada. These chapters describe Yoga, vriti’s, obstacles, solutions, Yoga practices, physic powers obtained by Yoga practice, different kinds of Samadhi and much more.

    In this 300 h Yoga training in Portugal you will learn the meaning of the sutras and how to use this knowledge in your practice.

    Yoga Scriptures

    In this 300 h Yoga teacher training in Portugal we will discuss the Hatha Yoga Scriptures that build the foundation of today’s Yoga practices.

    We will mainly focus on the four limbs of the Hatha Yoga Pardipika by Swami Svatmarama and Saptanga Yoga of the Gheranda Samitha by Maharishi Gheranda.

    Yogic Sukshma Vyayama

    Sukshma Vyayama is an ancient practice introduced by Sri Dhirendra Bhramchari. It is a combination of dynamic movements to active our subtle pranic body and to rejuvenate our joints. These small yogic exercises develop strength and make our physical body flexible.

    In this 300 hours Yoga teacher training course you will learn the complete sequence of 48 Yogic exercises to reconnect with the consciousness in each and every cell of your body.

    Arm Balances

    In this part of 300 hours Advanced Yoga Instructor Course you will learn 

    Arm warm-up and strengthening exercises to prepare our body arms and mind to perform arm balancing asanas smoothly and to avoid any injuries

    • How to use bone-on bone alignment,
    • Verbal cues
    • Hands on adjustment
    • How to build up the strength to perform arm balancing postures

    Some of the asanas you will learn are

    • Adho mukha vrikshasana – Handstand
    • Astavakrasana – Eight angle pose
    • Bakasana – Crane pose
    • Bhujapidasana – Shoulder pressing pose
    • Brahmcharyasana – Celibate’s pose
    • Dwi Hasta Bhujasana – Two hands and arms pose
    • Eka Pada Koundinyasana – Flying split
    • And many more
    Ashtanga Vinyasa

    As one of the highlights of the Yoga Teacher Training Portugal you will learn the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series and the art of teaching of Ashtanga Vinyasa.

    • In little more details you will learn
    • The mantras of Ashtanga Vinyasa
    • The breakdown of Sanskrit asana names
    • The importance of Ujjayi Breath
    • Drishitis
    • Vinyasa
    • Chakrasana
    • Drop down into Urdva Dhanurasana and come up into Hasta Uttanasana

    We will break down the asanas of the Primary Series and you will learn the alignment and sequence of the poses included. 


    In this part of 300 hours Yoga Training in Portugal you will learn about the ancient healing system of India. It is known as “The Science of Life” – Ayurveda. We would like to give you a deeper understanding of the foundation of Ayurveda like Pancha Mahabhutas and Tri Doshas and will cover these topics of in this advanced Yoga course in South Africa:

    • Introduction to Ayurveda
    • Branches of Ayurveda
    • Five Elements
    • Tri Doshas – Vata, Pitta, Kapha
    • Sapta Dhatus
    • Tips to Balance tri doshas
    • How you can improve your digestion and health
    • Healthy dietary principles for all body types
    • Daily routines, seasonal routine, exercise and Yoga like abhyanga
    • Tips for air travel
    • Ayurvedic cooking recipes to keep you healthy

    Chakras are energy channel junction points in our body, where many energy channels cross each other. They were first mentioned in the Vedas and they are a complex and ancient energy system.
    To stay healthy on our physical, mental and spiritual levels it very important to keep these junction points open and in balance. If they are blocked and energy stops to flow physical, mental and spiritual disturbances can be caused.

    That’s why you are going to learn different meditation techniques, beeja mantras, pranayama, mudras and asanas to activate and balance our chakras.


    In the Pranayama classes of the Yoga training you will be learning ancient techniques of breathing to work on your breath, Nadis, Aura, astral body and mind and to bring balance in our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. You will experience their effects and will be able to include the different techniques in your own practice and classes.

    You will learn different variations of each Pranayama according to Hatha Yoga Pardipika and Gheranda Samitha.


    You will learn how to have an effective meditation practice, which exercises and asanas are beneficial to prepare your physical, energy and mental bodies for long meditations. You will learn the importance of meditation in Yogic life to achieve the higher state of Samadhi.

    Apart from Chakra mediation here are some more techniques you will learn

    • Trataka or Gazing
    • Metta Meditation
    • Japa
    • Third Eye meditation
    • Kundalini Meditation
    Mantra Chanting

    Mantra means to protect the mind. You will learn the meaning and chant of different ancient mantras and experience the effects of mantra chanting in a group and alone.

    Anatomy and Physiology

    In this part of our Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in Portugal you will learn anatomical patterns in 

    • Forward bends
    • Backbends
    • Twists
    • Arm Balances
    • Hip Rotation
    • And more about different body systems and how they work together 
    Yogic Anatomy

    The yogic anatomy classes of the YTT in Portugal will familiarize you with 

    • Pancha mahabhut tattva
    • Nadis
    • Prana and Pancha Prana
    • Bandhas
    • Activation of Chakras
    • Kundalini

    Do you know any mudras?

    Mudras are hands or physical gestures which can redirect or activate the energy on physical, mental and spiritual levels. With mudras we can increase or decreases the energies to heal ourselves naturally.

    Mudras are very beneficial to deepen awareness and concentration. They can be perform while mediation, pranayama, asana practices, reading or with our daily routine activities. 


    In this part of the Yoga Teacher Training you will learn ancient cleansing techniques from Hatha Yoga Scriptures in theory and practice. The sages and monk said if your physical body is full of toxins and impurities then it is very difficult to achieve the goal of Yoga. That’s why purifying body and mind is very important. Shatkarma helps to do internal cleansing of body so our body and mind become light and flexible.


    You will learn how to sequence Yogic Sukshma Vyayama, Ashtanga Vinyasa and Arm Balancing classes.

    Time Schedule

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    The time schedule is not fixed and can change according to location, teacher availability, weather conditions and general situation.

    06:30 to 06:45 am


    06:45 to 07:45 am


    07:45 to 09:15 am

    Yoga asana practice

    09:15 to 10:15 am


    10:15 to 11:45 am

    Yoga theory/Anatomy & physiology

    11:45 to 01:30 pm

    Asana Alignment

    01:30 to 03:15 pm


    03:15 to 04:45 pm

    Yoga Scriptures

    05:00 to 06:30 pm

    Arm Balances

    06:30 to 07:00 pm

    Mantra Chanting

    We have been with Yoga Alliance since 2017

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    Yoga Alliance RYS 200 h certification
    Yoga Alliance RYS 300 h certification

    Upcoming Dates

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    Accommodation & Course Packages

    Get in touch with us, we are preparing our Yoga offer in Portugal for you!

    You can make a deposit to book a spot. If something goes wrong, changing your dates is free and easy.

    Your Yoga Teachers

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    How does this program differ from a 200 hour Yoga training?

    While the 200-hour training lays the foundation, the 300-hour program dives deeper into advanced techniques, teaching methodology, and personal growth. It’s designed to refine your skills, expand your knowledge, and empower you to teach with greater confidence and authenticity.

    Is this 300 h training Yoga Alliance certified?

    Yes, the 300-hour training is certified by Yoga Alliance. Upon completion, you can register as a 500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 500).

    Who is this training for?

    This program is designed for certified Yoga teachers who have completed a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training and are ready to deepen their knowledge, refine their skills, and advance their teaching practice.

    Is there support for developing my teaching style?

    Absolutely. This training focuses on helping you refine your unique teaching voice through workshops, practice teaching, and personalized feedback from experienced trainers.

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    Eligibility Criteria

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    Before joining Anandam Yoga School’s 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Portugal, you have to fulfill thess eligibility criteria.

    A completed 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training with a Yoga Alliance registered Yoga School (RYS) is mandatory to join this 300 hours online Yoga Teacher Training.

    The minimum age to join this course is 18 and the maximum age is 65 years. If you are older than 65 please provide a medical certificate. Your safety is important for us!

    You should be able to speak, read and write basic English as this course in conducted in English.

    You have to be open minded and interested to learn the ancient teachings and the traditional way of Yoga.

    If you are pregnant please provide a medical certificate.

    You must be physically and mentally healthy and fit.

    You have to provide a medical certificate if you are going through any treatment or have any major injuries.


      Early Bird: Special Offer for our 200 h YTT in Bali

       We are offering a special price for the first 6 registrations

      per month!

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