
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Styles: Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow, Vinyasa Yoga

Our 200 h Multi-style Yoga course in Vancouver includes the strong foundation of different Yoga styles. We build a strong foundation in traditional Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow and Vinyasa, allowing you to find your favorite Yoga style for practicing and teaching. 

But a Yoga teacher training is so much more than just learning how to teach different yogic practices. As one of our students said "it acted like a seed which is now turning into something very powerful. This is probably the realy meaning of a Yoga teacher training". 

It is a part or the starting point of your journey closer towards your real self, your journey towards living your life unconditionally. 

During the course you will learn the different practices that allow for this transformation.

You will delve deeply into the yoga philosophy to gain a clearer understanding of the yogic concepts, a detailed understanding of anatomy and the body systems to allow in empowering alignment, a variety of breathing techniques to vitalize the body's energies, information about your body constitution  and healthy eating habits according to Ayurveda. 

If this resonates with you, come and join us for our 200 h Yoga training in Canada. 

We genuinely value direct bookings with us as they help us provide you with the best possible experience.

Program Highlights


Here you can learn more about the course syllabus in our 200 hour Yoga teacher training in Vancouver. We designed our 200 h Yoga training in such a way that it caters to Yoga practitioners of all levels and allow for a strong foundation for your practice and teaching.

These are yogic cleansing techniques to prepare the body for the higher practice of yoga like asana, pranayama and meditation. They harmonize ida and pingala, the two main nadis. This helps us to purify and balance our annamayakosha (physical body), pranayamaya kosha (energy body) and manomaya kosha (mind body).

Different hatha yoga scriptures explain six type of shatkarma – ‘shat’ means ‘six’ and ‘karma’ means ‘action’. In this course we discuss the six shatkarma according to Gheranda Samhita and practice some of the following:

~ Jal Neti
~ Agni Sara Dhauti
~ Kapalbhati
~ Trataka

You'll explore various breathing and pranayama techniques, understanding both their theoretical aspects and practical applications. Each day offers an opportunity to engage with these methods, observing their physical, mental, and energetic impacts.

~ Natural Breathing
~ Abdominal Breathing
~ Thoracic Breathing
~ Clavicular Breathing
~ Yogic Breathing
~ Nadi Sodhana
~ Surya Bhedi
~ Chandra Bhedi
~ Bhramari
~ Sheetali
~ Sheetkari
~ Ujjayi
~ Kapalbhati
~ Bhastrika

Meditation is a skillful training for creating a state of consciousness through different techniques of concentration. It serves a variety of functions, including stress alleviation, relaxation, increased self-awareness, and spiritual development.

For the meditation practice you should sit in a peaceful environment and focus on an external or internal object allowing your senses ti withdraw from the outer world.

In this his 200 hour yoga course in Canada you will learn the different techniques of meditation under the guidance of our experienced teachers. In meditation theory you will go through different aspect of meditation including the definition of meditation, its goals and purposes and its underlying philosophy. 

You also get the chance to practice techniques like

~ Soham sadhana
~ Om meditation
~ Chakra meditation
~ Body scan meditation
~ Breath meditation
~ Mantra meditation

Asanas developed to be one of the most important aspects of yoga in the modern decades. We teach different styles of yoga in our 200 h Yoga training in Vancouver and try to find a bridge between the old yogic traditions and more modern styles. Some of our asana practice styles include traditional hatha yoga, hatha flow, vinyasa flow, and ashtanga vinyasa. 

Hatha Yoga is the mother of all the physical based Yoga styles. Thus we focus on the two main scriptures of Hatha Yoga - The Gheranda Samhita and Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

To get a better understanding of the concept of Yoga philosophy you will learn more about the Hatha yoga scriptures, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, three gunas and their attributes, basic Ayurveda and how to integrate it into your Yoga practice, theory of chakras and much more.

Every asana has particular effects on our body. To achieve these benefits and the free flow of pranaya, the bodies alignment is important. You will learn the alignment of the asanas and their adjustment, as well as how to align your students and how adjust according to their body’s needs.

To understand the physical, mental effects and energetic effects of asana, breathing techniques and meditation it helps to have an understanding of the human body, its structure and physiology.

In our teaching methodology sesions you will learn the difference betwenn the Yoga styles and everything needed to know about designing, planning and conducting a Yoga class. 

Apart from that we also include Yoga ethics and cultural appropriation. 

The meaning of Mantra roots in ‘mana’ meaning ‘mind’ and ‘tra’ meaning ‘to save, to protect’. Thus, the literal meaning of mantra is “ protection of mind”. It provides a protective layer around your mind.

Mantras are thought to have the power to reach deep into the unconscious mind. They are phrases in the Sanskrit language that are continuously chanted to alter the vibration of every aspect of your being.

Mantra chanting can reduce stress and is commonly used as a healing and environmental purification technique.

We will chant together every day. 

Eligibility Criteria


Before joining Anandam Yoga School’s 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Canada Course, you have to fulfill this eligibility criteria.

  • The minimum age to join this course is 18 and the maximum age is 65 years. If you are older than 65 please provide a medical certificate. Your safety is important for us!
  • You should be able to speak, read and write basic English as this course in conducted in English.
  • You have to be open minded and interested to learn the ancient teachings and the traditional way of Yoga.
  • If you are pregnant please provide a medical certificate.
  • You must be physically and mentally healthy and fit.
  • You have to provide a medical certificate if you are going through any treatment or have any major injuries.
  • If you skip classes, abuse drugs or behave unethically during the course, you will not be allowed to continue and the course fee will not be refunded.

Time Schedule


The time schedule is not fixed and can change according to location, teacher availability, weather conditions and general situation.

  • 06:30 to 06:45 am Shatkarma
  • 06:45 - 07:45 am Pranayama/Meditation
  • 07:45 - 09:15 am Asana practice
  • 09:15 - 10:15 am Breakfast
  • 10:15 - 11:45 am Anatomy & Physiology
  • 11:45 to 01:30 pm Asana lab
  • 01:30 to 03:15 pm Lunch
  • 01:30 to 03:00 pm Lunch
  • 03:15 - 04:45 pm Yoga Theory
  • 05:00 to 06:30 pm Teaching practice
  • 06:30 to 06:45 pm Mantra Chanting

Location & Accommodation

Venue: Canada

Upcoming Dates

Upcoming 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Canada course dates.