
200 hours Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Styles: Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow & Vinyasa Flow

Discover the Origins and Development of Yoga Styles

Have you ever wondered how the different yoga styles developed and where they originated?

Our Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training offers a comprehensive exploration of various yoga styles. Upon completing our 200 hour yoga teacher training Germany, you’ll be equipped to teach multiple styles with confidence and skill.

Focus on Traditional and Dynamic Yoga Styles

We emphasize traditional Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow, and Vinyasa Flow. You'll dive into the unique aspects of each style, learning what sets them apart and the key elements to consider when teaching them.

Immersive Learning Through the Gurukul System

In this intensive 200 hour Yoga TTC in Germany, you'll experience the ancient Indian education system, the Gurukul method, where students live and study together with their teachers in a residential setting. This immersive approach allows you to focus entirely on your transformational journey, free from outside distractions.

Transform in the Serene Eifel National Park

Join us in the tranquil Eifel National Park in Heimbach, located in the west of Germany. Embrace the love and joy of Yoga in a serene environment, perfect for your personal and professional growth.

We genuinely value direct bookings with us as they help us provide you with the best possible experience.

Program Highlights


In our 200 h Yoga course in Germany we will lay a strong foundation in traditional Hatha Yoga, as this is the asana based practice all other Yoga styles developed from. You will learn more than 150 Hatha Yoga asanas and their alignment and how to sequence them in your Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow and Vinyasa Flow classes. To deepen your own practice we also included Yin Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa lead classes. But Yoga is so much more than just asana, it is a way of living your life consciously and connecting with others on a deeper level. After completing this training we want you to understand the foundation and roots of Yoga, the importance of this ancient philosophy in our daily life and how to bring these teachings into the world. The lead teachers will be Sandeep Atri from India and Dr. Katharina Austermann from Germany.

What are the eight limbs of Yoga? Who is Patanjali? What is the definition of Yoga?

These are only a few of the questions we are going to discuss in our Yoga philosophy classes. In this 200 hours Yoga teacher training in Germany we will take you to back to the origins of Yoga, make our way through its history and discover how it found its way to the west. We will clear up common misconceptions about Yoga and will dive deeper into Patanjali’s Yoga sutras and his eight limbs of Yoga to help you understand the ancient teachings and their relevance today

~ Etmyology and definition of Yoga
~ Aims and objectives of Yoga
~ Yoga eras
~ Paths of Yoga
~ Patanjali Yoga Sutras (Yoga Darshan)
~ Ashtanga Yoga and its relevance today

Sanskrit is more than just a language; it is a bridge to the culture and traditions from which Yoga originated. Being open to learning and using Sanskrit terms honors and respects the traditions of Yoga. 

We include basic Sanskrit terms in this 200 h Yoga training including:

~ Body parts
~ Animal names
~ Counting

All of that will help you to remember the asana names

Hatha is the foundation of all physically based Yoga practices like shatkarma, asana, pranayama and mudras. In this module you will learn more about the four limbs of Hatha Yoga and the Saptanga Yoga. We will explain the guiding principles of the Yogic practice and the differences between Yoga and the physical culture, as there are so many misconceptions about the asana practice.

Our 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training course in Germany is designed to help you understand the unique characteristics and commonalities of these three yoga styles. Throughout the course, you will gain insights into the history and evolution of each style and learn the specific teaching techniques for each one. By the end of the training, you will be well-equipped to choose the style or styles you are most passionate about teaching.

~ Hatha Yoga
~ Hatha Flow
~ Vinyasa Flow

Every morning we will practice asana together. Apart from traditional Hatha Yoga we teach Ashtanga Vinyasa and more the modern styles Hatha Flow, Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga. In these classes the main focus is your own practice. Use this training to also deepen your own Yoga practice. A regular self-practice is the foundation of all your teaching. It is your source of inspiration and energy and determines your quality as a Yoga teacher. Never give up your practice for the sake of taching.

In asana alignment classes of this residential Yoga teacher training course in Germany we will then dive deeper into the art of teaching asana. You will learn

~ How to perform more than 150 Yoga postures with modifications and variations
~ The benefits and contraindications of each asana
~ How to use props like blocks, bolsters, blankets and belts correctly
~ How to integrate conscious breathing
~ How to cue your students to get into the postures
~ How to use hands on adjustment

In our asana lab we lay the foundation for your future Yoga asana classes. With the asanas you learn during our 200 h Yoga training in Germany you will be able to create Yoga classes independently of the style you would like to teach.

How do you plan your classes? How do you decide the order of the asanas?

Planning and sequencing a balanced Yoga class are two things you learn in this module.

~How to prepare yourself for the class
~ How to open a class
~ How to demonstrate the postures
~ What is the heart of the posture and which modifications and alternatives can you offer
~ How to adjust
~ Which precautions do you have to keep in mind while teaching
~ Tone of voice
~ How to close the class
~ Counter poses for each asana
~ How to design balanced classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced students
~ Peak pose sequencing
~ How to design classes with a special focus
~ How to address different levels of students in the same class

We cannot conduct a Yoga Teacher Training without speaking about ethics. Sadly, the Yoga field as well as so many other areas of our life, offers space for discrimination and abuse. We want to make you aware of these topics. That's why we will speak about the student – teacher relationship, equity and inclusion, inclusive word choice and cultural appropriation in this 200 hour Yoga instructor course.

You will learn the theory and practice of different breathing and pranayama techniques. Every day you have the chance to experience their physical, mental and energetically effects.

~ Natural breathing
~ Abdominal breathing
~ Thoracic breathing
~ Clavicular breathin
~ Yogic breathing

~ Nadi Sodhana
~ Surya Bhedi
~ Chandra Bhedi
~ Bhramari
~ Sheetali
~ Sheetkari
~ Ujjayi
~ Kapalbhati
~ Bhastrika

The meditation module consists of theory and practice classes. Before the asana class in the morning we practice different meditation techniques. We will discuss the 12 steps of meditation, what food helps to better focus and what the ideal time and place is to practice. Apart from that we teach you the basic techniques of meditation, their benefits and mindfulness.

Every evening we will chant mantras together. You might have already experienced the power of certain mantras and how they resonate with you. You will learn the right pronunciation and we will discuss their meaning. You will have time to practice and we will repeat the mantras together regularly so that they can settle and unfold their potential.

~ OM
~ Patanjali Mantra
~ Ganesha Mantra
~ Guru Mantra
~ Anapoorna Mantra
~ Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
~ Gayatri Mantra
~ Shanti Mantra

Already thousands of years ago monks and sages in India understood how the human body works and what it needs to be healthy. They realized the importance of equilibrium and the healing powers of Yoga. In yogic anatomy we introduce you to

~ Panch Mahabhut Tattva (Five Elements)
~ Nadi’s (Astral Tubes)
~ Prana & Pancha Prana
~ Pancha Kosha
~ Chakras
~ Bandhas

Our physical body is the first entry point to the deeper layers of existence. It is our vehicle to reach the state of Yoga. It is your own little yogic research laboratory. That’s why it is so important for you to understand how it works and how asana, pranayama and meditation affect the physical body. To tech Yoga in a safe way it is crucial to understand anatomy and the wide variety of individual differences. In our Anatomy and physiology classes we tightly link modern anatomy and physiology with the different yogic practices

You will learn about
~ Structural design of the human body
~ Nervous system
~ Respiratory system
~ Cardiovascular system
~ Musculoskeletal system
~ Anatomy of the hip
~ Spine, back and core anatomy

You will learn different hand gestures that change the flow of prana in our bodies. During our pranayama and meditation practice we can use them to balance energy. They can help us to come back to a state of equilibrium. We will introduce you to the five classes of mudras and you will learn the following hand mudras

~ Anjali Mudra
~ Jnana Mudra
~ Chin Mudra
~ Dhyana Mudra
~ Prana Mudra
~ Apana Mudra
~ Vayu Mudra
~ Akasha Mudra
~ Prithivi Mudra
~ Varuna Mudra
~ Agni Mudra

In this 200 hour Yoga training training course in Germany we are going to practice three (Jala Neti, Kapalbhati and Nauli) of the six Shatkarmas that are used to purify the body and prepare it for a successful Yoga practice.

You will learn the benefits and precautions of all the cleansing techniques and how to perform them in a safe way to purify your body.

A yogic diet is more than just a way of eating; it's a holistic approach to nourishment that aligns with the principles of Yoga, promoting physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.

We will speak about the different energetic qualities of food, the principle of Ahimsa, the importance of locally sourced food, mindful eating and more.

Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical system, a knowledge over 5000 years old working beyond the physical body. We would like to give you an insight in this fascinating philosophy; explaining you how the five elements are used in healing, how to find out your dosha and how you can integrate the ayurvedic teachings in your daily routine.

Eligibility Criteria


Before joining Anandam Yoga School’s 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Germany Course, you have to fulfill this eligibility criteria.

  • The minimum age to join this course is 18 and the maximum age is 65 years. If you are older than 65 please provide a medical certificate. Your safety is important for us!
  • You should be able to speak, read and write basic English as this course in conducted in English.
  • You have to be open minded and interested to learn the ancient teachings and the traditional way of Yoga.
  • If you are pregnant please provide a medical certificate.
  • You must be physically and mentally healthy and fit.
  • You have to provide a medical certificate if you are going through any treatment or have any major injuries.
  • If you skip classes, abuse drugs or behave unethically during the course, you will not be allowed to continue and the course fee will not be refunded.

Time Schedule


The time schedule is not fixed and can change according to location, teacher availability, weather conditions and general situation.

  • 06:30 to 06:45 am Shatkarma
  • 06:45 to 07:45 am Pranayama/Meditation
  • 07:45 to 09:15 am Yoga asana practice
  • 09:15 - 10:15 am Breakfast
  • 10:15 - 11:45 am Yoga theory/Anatomy & physiology
  • 12:00 to 01:30 pm Asana alignment
  • 01:30 to 03:15 pm Lunch
  • 03:15 to 04:45 pm Yoga philosophy
  • 05:00 to 06:30 pm Teaching practice
  • 06:30 to 07:00 pm Mantra Chanting
  • 07:00 - 08:00 pm Dinner

Location & Accommodation

Venue: Germany

  • 24 nights including all meals in a private double room with private bathroom in Heimbach, Eifel. 

  • 24 nights including all meals in a shared twin room with attached bathroom in Heimbach, Eifel. 

Upcoming Dates

Upcoming 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Germany course dates.

01.05.2025 - 25.05.2025
Tuition Fee € 2600 € 2000