200 hour Yoga Teacher Training

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

Certification : 

Yoga Alliance® US

Skill Level : 

All Levels

Duration : 

21 Days

Certification : 

Yoga Alliance® US

Skill Level : 

All Levels

Duration :  21 Days

Yoga Styles: Traditional Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow, Vinyasa Flow

Would you like to learn more than just one Yoga style in your 200 hour Yoga TTC in Bali? Then our Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training in Bali is tailored for you. 

Exploring Different Yoga Styles

Traditional Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow and Vinyasa Yoga – We’ll explore the philosophy, principles, and practices that define each style. By experiencing the different approaches, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the foundations of Yoga. 


Finding Your Teaching Style

We want to create a safe space where you can find your unique teaching voice. Teaching Yoga isn’t just about sharing physical postures; it’s about embodying the essence of Yoga and communicating it authentically. Through practice teaching sessions and guided reflection, you can find the teaching style that aligns with your personality, values, and vision.

Building Confidence

Confidence is key to effective teaching. Through experiential learning, constructive feedback, and supportive community, we’ll help you build the confidence you need to step into your role as a Yoga teacher with authenticity. Our goal is to empower you to share the joy and benefits of Yoga with others, making a positive impact in their lives. 

Comprehensive Training in 21 Days

Join us for a transformative 21-day Yoga journey in Bali and learn everything that you need to spread the joy of Yoga!

Why Choose Us?

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We offer a place where you can find happiness through movement, pranayama, meditation and well-
balanced nutrition. We are here to guide you on your spiritual journey, to connect with your Inner-Self
and to find contentment and peace in life.

Program Highlights

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We designed our 200 hours Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training with a strong foundation in traditional Hatha Yoga, as this is the asana based practice all other Yoga styles developed from. But Yoga asana practice is only one limb of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga, the guidelines to life a peaceful and meaningful life. After completing our 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Bali we want you to understand the foundation and roots of Yoga, the importance of this ancient philosophy in our every-day-life and how to carry on these teachings.

Yoga Styles

What is the difference between Hatha Flow and Vinyasa Flow? Where does Hatha Yoga have its origin?

After this course we want you to understand the differences and similarities of the three Yoga styles we included in our 200 h Yoga Teacher Training in Bali. We will give you more information about the history of the different styles and you will learn how to teach each of them, so that in the end you have the chance to decide which style suits you best.

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Hatha Flow
  • Vinyasa Flow
Asana Practice

You will get the chance to practice different styles of Yoga every day in the morning. Apart from traditional Hatha Yoga we teach Ashtanga Vinyasa and more the modern styles Hatha Flow, Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga. In these classes the main focus is your own practice.

We encourage you to use this training to also deepen your own Yoga practice, because a regular self-practice will be the foundation of all your teaching. It is your source of inspiration and energy and determines your quality as a Yoga teacher. Even though some of us are teachers, we will always be students.

Asana Alignment

In the asana alignment classes of our 200 yoga teacher training Bali, we are refining the art of teaching Yoga postures. Throughout these sessions, you will acquire invaluable skills including:

Mastering Over 150 Yoga Postures: Explore a comprehensive repertoire of over 150 Yoga postures, learning how to perform them and variations

Understanding Benefits and Precautions: Gain insight into the specific benefits and precautions associated with each asana, allowing you to guide your students safely and effectively.

Utilizing Props: Learn how to effectively utilize props such as blocks and belts to enhance alignment and support in various Yoga postures.

Integrating Breath Awareness: Learn more about the connection between breath and movement, and how to integrate conscious breath awareness into your classes.

Adapting Adjustments to Individual Needs: Learn hands-on adjustments, considering the unique body types and abilities of your students to ensure safe and supportive alignment.

Building the Foundation for Your Classes

In our asana lab, we lay the foundation for your future Yoga classes. With a wide collection of asanas at your disposal, you will be equipped to design and lead classes independently, regardless of the style you choose to teach.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha is the foundation of all physically based Yoga practices like asana. In this module you will learn more about the different Hatha Yoga scriptures and the causes of success and failure of your practice. In this 200 h yoga course we will explain the guiding principles of the Yogic practice and the differences between Yoga and the physical culture, as there are so many misconceptions about the asana practice.

Yoga Philosophy and History

What is the aim of Yoga? What is the Yoga Darshan? What are the paths of Yoga?

Only a few of the questions we are going to address in our Yoga philosophy and history sessions of our 200 h Yoga teacher training in Bali. We will take you back to the origins of Yoga, make our way through its history and discover how it found its way to the west. We will clear up misconceptions about Yoga and will dive deeper into Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras to help you understand the ancient teachings and their relevance today

  • Etmyology and definition of Yoga
  • Aims and objectives of Yoga
  • Yoga eras
  • Paths of Yoga
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras (Yoga Darshan)
  • Ashtanga Yoga and its relevance today
Sanskrit Terminology
To really internalize the Sanskrit names of the Yoga asanas, mudras, mantras and pranayama practices a basic understanding of the Sanskrit language is very important. At the end of the course you will be able to recall the Sanskrit names of the different body parts and the asana names, not because you merely memorized them, but because you understand how the names are formed.
Teaching Methodology

Did you ever wonder how your teachers plan their classes? How they decide which asana follows the other? 

Sequencing and designing a balanced Yoga class are two things you learn in this module. Apart from that you will learn:

  • How to effectively prepare yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally for leading a Yoga class with confidence and presence.
  • How to create a welcoming and grounded atmosphere as you open your Yoga class.
  • How to demonstrate Yoga postures with clarity and precision and how to provide supportive adjustments to improve your students’ practice.
  • How to ensure safety and which precautions to keep in mind.
  • How to close your Yoga class, leaving your students feeling grounded, rejuvenated, and connected.
  • Which post-class rituals to integrate to, foster personal growth and reflection.
  • Peak pose sequencing and designing classes with a special focus, to deepen your students’ experience and progression.
  • How to effectively address varying levels and abilities of students within the same class, offering modifications and challenges to accommodate everyone’s needs without creating a competitive environment. 
Ethics and Equity

We cannot conduct a Yoga Teacher Training without speaking about ethics. Sadly, the Yoga field as well as so many other areas of our life, offers space for discrimination and abuse. We want to make you aware of these topics. We will speak about the student – teacher relationship, equity and inclusion, inclusive word choice and cultural appropriation.


In this module we will teach you different breathing techniques and introduce you to the art of pranayama – breath expansion.


  • Natural breathing
  • Abdominal breathing
  • Thoracic breathing
  • Clavicular breathing
  • Yogic breathing


  • Nadi Sodhana
  • Surya Bhedi
  • Chandra Bhedi
  • Bhramari
  • Sheetali
  • Sheetkari
  • Ujjayi
  • Kapalbhati
  • Bhastrika

The meditation module consists of theory and practice classes. You will learn the 12 steps of meditation, what food helps to better focus and what the ideal time and place is to practice. Apart from that we teach you the basic techniques of meditation, benefits and mindfulness.

Mantra Chanting

As part of our 200-hour Yoga Course in Bali, we dedicate 15 minutes each evening to come together and chant mantras. This sacred practice allows you to tap into the transformative power of sound vibrations and experience their resonance within.

Mantras Included:

  • OM
  • Patanjali Mantra
  • Ganesha Mantra
  • Guru Mantra
  • Anapoorna Mantra
  • Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
  • Gayatri Mantra
  • Shanti Mantra
Yogic Anatomy

Thousands of years ago monks and sages in India had an understanding of how the human body works and what it needs to function properly. They realized the importance of equilibrium and the healing powers of Yoga. In yogic anatomy we introduce you to

  • Panch Mahabhut Tattva (Five Elements)
  • Nadis (Astral Tubes)
  • Prana & Pancha Prana
  • Pancha Kosha 
  • Chakras
  • Bandhas
Anatomy and Physiology

For you as a future Yoga teacher it is important to know how asanas, pranayama and meditation affect the physical body. In our anatomy and physiology classes we give you an introduction into how the human body is build and how it functions. You will learn about

  • Structural design of the human body
  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Hip anatomy
  • Spine and Core anatomy
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Respiratory system
  • Nervous system

Mudras as powerful gestures that change the flow of prana in our bodies. During the practice we can use them to balance the energy. They can either increase or decrease the energy and vitality in certain areas of our body, helping us to come back to a state of equilibrium. We will introduce you to the five classes of mudras and teach you several hand mudra and their effects.

  • Anjali Mudra
  • Jnana Mudra
  • Chin Mudra
  • Dhyana Mudra
  • Prana Mudra
  • Apana Mudra
  • Vayu Mudra
  • Akasha Mudra
  • Prithivi Mudra
  • Varuna Mudra
  • Agni Mudra

We will practice Jala Neti, Kapalbhati and Nauli –  three of the six Shatkarma techniques, yogic methods to clean the physical body prior to the practice. In the theory classes we will discuss all Shatkarma practices and provide with more information about their benefits, cautions and contraindications.

Yogic Diet

Nutrition plays a major role in the yogic lifestyle. The food we consume has a tremendous effect on our health and the quality of our yoga practice. Ancient yogis were already aware of that and designed the yogic diet. You will study the different qualities of food and the effects they have on your body; the components of the yogic diet and how to incorporate it in your life.

Basic Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the knowledge of life, over 5000 years old and one of the oldest medical systems on earth. We would like to give you an insight in this fascinating philosophy; explaining you how the five elements are used in healing, how to find out your dosha and how you can integrate ayurvedic teachings in your daily routine.

Time Schedule

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The time schedule is not fixed and can change according to location, teacher availability, weather conditions and general situation.

06:30 to 06:45 am


06:45 to 07:45 am


07:45 to 09:15 am

Yoga asana practice

09:15 to 10:15 am


10:15 to 11:45 am

Yoga theory/Anatomy

11:45 to 01:30 pm

Asana Alignment

01:30 to 03:15 pm


03:15 to 04:45 pm

Yoga philosophy

05:00 to 06:30 pm

Asana Alignment

06:30 to 07:00 pm

Mantra Chanting

We have been with Yoga Alliance since 2017

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Yoga Alliance RYS 200 h certification
Yoga Alliance RYS 300 h certification

Upcoming Dates

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What Our Customer Say About Us

The classes were rigorously structured, combining traditional and modern understandings of yoga and not just focusing on the asanas. This enabled a deeper understanding of practice and aided in our own personal journey and growth throughout the three weeks.

Our teachers were of the highest standard I have experienced, they really knew their stuff! They allowed time for open and honest conversations. Emotionally they were very supportive, always in contact whenever we needed them. Always with a smile on their faces and getting to understand us as individuals.

All the classes were accessible for all levels, I would highly recommended this yoga school to everyone wishing to broaden their understanding of Yoga in its entirety.


Sane Andrews


Authentic, humble honest. I did have the best experience here with such safe and comforting teachers. The groups are small the lessons are full with valuable information.

Yoga Philosophy being thought by Sandeep, a native indian who grew up with yoga since he is a child and lives it with his whole heart is such a special, unique and most important authentic and honest experience which is hard to find in any other schools around Bali.

Katharina is also a wonderful devoted teacher and it is nice to see this balance of both it helps to understand.

I wouldn‘t go to any other school and I would love to join many more of Anandam Yoga School courses.

Thank you very much🙏


Marina Peter


Anandam yoga school is amazing!!! I learned so much from them. Ankur was an incredible teacher and was very knowledgeable in all aspects of yoga, asanas, pranayama, hatha, vinyasa, etc.

I absolutely loved this authentic yoga teacher training. I wanted to learn yoga from someone who knew the roots of yoga from India and Ankur taught that and more!

I feel like I gained an even deeper love and appreciation for yoga through this experience which I didn’t even know was possible.

They pushed me to be the best that I could be and I will always be grateful for that. The course taught me a lot and I am looking forward to teaching in my community back home!!

I would absolutely recommend Anandam Yoga School. They have a wonderful environment centered on learning and growing!


Amella Pena


Lovely teachers with such an in-depth knowledge about Yoga. I have learned so much and enjoyed every minute learning here.

My Yoga practice will be so so different after this training. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and holding such a beautiful space for us.

10/10 would recommend 😉


200 h Yoga teacher training

Evelyn Toma


I just finished my 200h Yoga teacher training with Anandam Yoga School and I couldn't be happier.

It was such a nice and meaningful experience for me. I learned so much about Yoga in these three weeks.Katharina, Sandeep and Ankur are amazing teachers and it felt like a family to spent time with them and the other students. Their knowledge about philosophy, anatomy, asanas and also ayurveda and pranayama and meditation is impressive!

I enjoyed every day of the training so much and I am so thankful I found Anandam Yoga School to do it there.

I would definitely recommend to do the Yoga teacher trainig here and to experience this wonderful journey with Anandam.

Thank you so much Katharina, Sandeep and Ankur🤍


200 h yoga teacher training bali

Svenja Kuonen


I chose to take my 200h YTT on Bali with Anandam Yoga School as it was of utmost importance to me to learn about the foundations of Yoga from an Indian guide with a deep connection to the practice & its tradition in India, while having local rooting in Bali.

Sandeep, Katharina & Kadek imparted a well of knowledge about Yoga asana practice as well as anatomy, yoga philosophy, the history of yoga, pranayama, meditation, shatkarma (cleansing rituals), equity, cultural appropriation, and much more, for us students (and future teachers) to build on for a lifetime to come, knowing that we'll be able to honour the roots of Yoga in India as most of us return to share our practice in Western societies.

I am also deeply grateful for the care & support that Katharina & Sandeep provided to us throughout the journey, from travel logistics to a broad variety of recommendations (restaurants, clinics, visa agents, etc.) on anything we might need.


Valerie Marouche


I just finished my 300hr yoga teacher training with them. I am their return student as I also did my 200 hour ytt with them.

The experience with them are pleasant. I’ve learnt a lot from them, from asanas, alignments, philosophy, pranayama, and the Hindu tradition. I’ve grown so much after the training, feeling more confident in teaching yoga.

Ashtanga yoga was demanding and it’s great to have mysore style every morning with Sandeep as an instructor. He would challenge you and push you above your limits.

Arm balancing classes are fun and I have developed so much strength compared to when I first started the training.

Both Katharina and Sandeep have beautiful and kind souls. They are always there for you and back you up whenever you need them.

After 500 ++ hours we spent together we have developed a stronger bond as good friends! I would really recommend them if you are looking for yoga teacher training courses!!




Read Our Reviews - Anandam Yoga School

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5 Star Rating

5 Star Rating

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Accommodation & Course Packages

We genuinely value direct bookings with us as they help us provide you with the best possible experience. Please note that we have changed our course venue for 2025. The pictures below show the new venue and accommodation options.

*Due to high season the accommodation in July and August will be $200 more. 

These are special prices for the first 6 registrations per month. Register now to benefit from this special offer. 

Your Yoga Teachers

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I’m a Yoga beginner, can I join the Yoga teacher training Bali?

Yes, this course is suitable for all experience levels. If you are a beginner it is a wonderful way to start your Yoga journey from the base and create a strong foundation. This 200 hour Yoga teacher training will equip you with everything you need to start your Yoga path.

Do I have to be flexible to join the Yoga teacher training?

No, you don’t have to be flexible to join this 200 hour Yoga teacher training Bali. This is a common misconception about Yoga, that you can only practice if you are flexible. Yoga is much more than the physical practice of asana and being able to bring your foot behind your head doesn’t determine if you are “good” in Yoga. Yoga is a way of living a happy and healthy life.

What is your average class size?

Our average class size is 5 to 15 students. We believe in individualized support thus the smaller group size. It allows us to support every student on their personal Yoga journey.

What is the average age range?

The youngest student we had was 18 and the oldest student we had so far was 60. So, we have quite a wide age range, which beautifully allows Yoginis and Yogis of different ages to learn from each other.

Can I still join the training if I don’t want to become a Yoga teacher?

Yes, definitely! It is a beautiful way to deepen your own practice and learn more about the roots of Yoga.

What is included in the course fee?

We offer different course packages. You can choose to stay with us or find you own accommodation. The basic course fee (without accommodation) includes all study materials, Yoga Alliance certification after successful completion and daily breakfast. You can choose from different course and accommodation packages if you choose to stay with us.

Is the training physically straining?

In our training, we slowly open and strengthen the physical body allowing you to gradually increase strength and flexibility throughout the training. Yoga is a cleansing and purification process as well, thus it is likely that you are being challenged during the course on different levels (physical, mental, emotional), but not in regards to physical over-exertion

How much is 200 hour Yoga teacher training?

The cost of a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training varies depending on the location and inclusions (like accommodation and meals). For our 200 h Yoga teacher training Bali we offer different packages, to allow everyone to find an option that works for their budget and needs.

How long does it take to complete 200 hour Yoga teacher training in Bali?

Our Yoga teacher training is a 21-day intensive program. Monday to Friday are full days, Saturday is half day and Sunday is a day off to regenerate.

What will I learn in this Yoga teacher training Bali?

This training is a Multi-style Yoga teacher training, including Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow and Vinyasa Flow. After the training you will be able to teach these three styles.

  • More than 150 asanas and their alignment, variations and modification
  • Yoga Sequencing: Balanced class and Peak Pose sequencing
  • Hands on adjustments
  • Daily teaching practicum
  • Yoga philosophy – origins and history of Yoga, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, paths of Yoga and more
  • Yoga anatomy and physiology, injury awareness
  • Sanskrit terminology
  • Various pranayama and meditation techniques
  • Mudras and Mantras
  • Basic Ayurveda and Yogic diet
  • Cultural appropriation
How to get to the course venue?

The nearest airport is I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar. From there you can book a grab or gojek to reach the course venue (250 k – 300 k IDR). You can download the apps and they are a great to get around in Bali for reasonable prices. You can get a sim card at the airport.

What should I bring?

Please bring comfortable, ideally light cotton clothes for the practice; white clothes for the opening and closing ceremonies; natural mosquito repellent; beach towels; your everyday toiletries; light and airy clothing; sunscreen and all you think you need for a wonderful time in the tropical Bali.

Am I allowed to drink coffee during the training?

Yes, sure! We don’t have any dietary restrictions during our Yoga teacher training. However, we recommend to adhere to a vegetarian diet during the Yoga teacher training Bali, to feel the effects on body and mind.

How can I prepare myself for the training?

Practice Yoga regularly, drink enough water, try to cultivate a positive and open mindset, try to get enough rest and take time for relaxation.

What is your cancellation policy?

To reserve your spot in the course we kindly ask you to deposit $500. This deposit is non-refundable. In case you have to cancel the training for any reason, the deposit can be applied to a later training.

Is this course registered with Yoga Alliance?

Yes, this 200 hour Yoga teacher training is registered with Yoga Alliance and you will receive a Yoga Alliance affiliated certificate after successful completion. With this certification you can register with Yoga Alliance as a RYT-200 (Registered Yoga teacher – 200 hours) and you can teach Yoga internationally.

Is 200 hours enough to teach yoga?

Yes, a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training is sufficient to teach Yoga. It is the foundational certification recognized worldwide. It equips you with the knowledge and skills to teach Yoga confidently and safely. Many students choose to start teaching after completing their 200 hour training and deepen their education with advanced courses later.

What is the difference between 200 and 300 ytt?

The 200 hour YTT is the foundational course that provides the basics of Yoga teaching. The 300 hour YTT is an advanced training program for those who have already completed their 200 hour certification.

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Eligibility Criteria

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Before joining Anandam Yoga School’s 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, you have to fulfill these eligibility criteria.

The minimum age to join this course is 18 and the maximum age is 65 years. If you are older than 65 please provide a medical certificate. Your safety is important for us!

You should be able to speak, read and write basic English as this course in conducted in English.

You have to be open minded and interested to learn the ancient teachings and the traditional way of Yoga.

If you are pregnant please provide a medical certificate.

You must be physically and mentally healthy and fit.

You have to provide a medical certificate if you are going through any treatment or have any major injuries.


Early Bird: Special Offer for our 200 h YTT in Bali

 We are offering a special price for the first 6 registrations

per month!

King dancer pose
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