How to do Krounchasana?


How to do Krounchasana?


Sanskrit: क्रौञ्चासन

Krounchasana, derived from the Sanskrit words “krouncha” (heron) and “asana” (pose), is named after the elegant bird known for its long legs and graceful stance. The pose mimics the heron’s form and emphasizes balance and flexibility.

Herons are often seen standing motionless for long periods, waiting to catch prey. This behavior symbolizes patience, stillness, and the importance of waiting for the right moment to act. By practicing this posture we can start cultivating the qualities in our lives. 

Steps to perform Krounchasana

  1. Start in Dandasana (Staff Pose):

– Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you.

– Keep your spine erect and hands by your sides, palms pressing into the floor.

  1. Bend Your Right Leg:

– Fold your right leg, bringing your right foot outside of your right hip, with the sole facing upwards. Your right knee should point forward.

4.Lift Your Left Leg:

– Shift your weight to the right side, hold the left foot with both hands, bend the knee and begin to lift the leg and trying to straighten the knee.

  1. Extend and Hold:

– Raise your left leg towards the ceiling, aiming to bring it perpendicular to the floor. Your hands can hold the foot, ankle, or calf, depending on your flexibility.

– Maintain an erect spine and ensure your chest is open.

– Stay in this position for 5-10 breaths.

  1. Release:

– Slowly lower your left leg back to the floor and release the right leg.

Repeat on the other side.

Benefits of Krounchasana

  1. Improves Flexibility: Stretches the hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, knees and hips.
  2. Enhances Digestion: Stimulates the abdominal organs, improving digestion.
  3. Postural Alignment: Encourages better spinal alignment and posture.
  4. Improves circulation in chest: Pulling the leg close to the body while keeping the chest open increase the blood flow into the chest, improving immunity and respiratory activity. 
  5. Improves balance: Krounchasana helps you to balance your emotions. 


  1. Knee or Ankle Injuries: Those with recent or chronic injuries in these areas should avoid this pose.
  2. Hamstring Injuries: The deep stretch can exacerbate hamstring injuries.
  3. Lower Back Pain: Individuals with lower back issues should be cautious and possibly avoid this pose.
  4. Hernia or abdominal surgery: Avoid this pose id you have a hernia or recent abdominal surgery
  5. Pregnancy: Avoid if the pressure on the abdomen is getting too strong. If you are a Yoga beginner and are pregnant, avoid this pose completely. 

Tips for Beginners

  1. Using a Belt: If reaching your foot is challenging, use a yoga strap around your foot to assist in lifting your leg.
  2. Modify the Bend: Keep a slight bend in your raised leg if straightening fully is too difficult.
  3. Support with Props: Sit on a folded blanket to elevate your hips, making it easier to maintain an erect spine.

Learn Other Poses: 

1. Learn How to do Crow Pose

2. How to do Eagle Pose

3. How to do Peacock Pose

4. How to do Bakasana?

5. How to do Swan Pose ?

6. How to do Kukkutasana?

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